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The Final Trilogy

A Near-Future Thriller Series by Van Fleisher


“Van Fleisher could join the ranks of James Patterson and Tom Clancy.” Readers’ Favorite

“Fleisher’s writing wisdom really shines. A page turner, unlike anything I’ve read in recent memory.” Amazon Author

“Shines a light of sci-fi satire on the tumultuous state of today’s affairs.” Self-Publishing Review

“The perfect meld of science fiction and political thriller.” The Book Commentary

“A powerful and engrossing set of tales incorporating social and political commentary.” Midwest Book Review

As brilliant as he was, Vijay Patel – a young immigrant student from a Mumbai slum – could never have imagined the influence that he and his children would have on the future of the United States and the world.

Van Fleisher’s FINAL Trilogy recounts that influence in three unique sci-fi thrillers: FINAL NOTICEFINAL ACT … and FINAL CHANCE. Set in the not-so-distant future, the novels are laced with political satire, dark humor, and a dash of romance. And despite their sci-fi premise, they provide an unmistakably realistic reflection of modern society.

While FINAL NOTICE evokes the question: “What would you do if you knew – for certain – that you had a couple of weeks to live?” … FINAL ACT asks: “What might others do if they knew that you only had a couple of weeks to live?” And when those “others” include Bratva (the Russian Mafia) and the SVR (formerly the KGB), you have a page-turner that turns “what if” into “what is.”

Completing the trilogy, FINAL CHANCE may be science fiction, but it reads like a history of the future … finding Vijay Patel in a world struggling to survive.

The Final Trilogy is out now in eBook and audible versions. So, hold on for a thrilling ride!



✅Near-Future Thriller

✅Science Fiction Thriller

✅Medical Thriller

✅Political Thriller

✅Crime Fiction and Mysteries

✅Thriller & Suspense

✅Police Procedurals


🕵️🍂What Would You Do If You Knew – For Certain – That You Had 10 Days To Live?🍂🕵️



The Final Trilogy Book 1

What Would You Do If You Knew – For Certain – That You Had 10 Days To Live? Would you get your legal affairs in order? Contact family, friends, lovers, and ex-lovers? Maybe a trip or make an exceptional donation? Clean the house and do the laundry? Or … would you kill someone?

A brilliant young doctor-mathematician has invented a new health/sports watch that predicts when someone will die – within 10, 20, or 30 days. The doctor's intentions were noble, but when those who receive their Final Notice have easy access to a gun, the result is sometimes lethal for more than just the watch owner.

These are the stories of several people who receive their Final Notice with very different reactions, including a desire to get revenge with impunity. They range from an 89-year-old resident in a retirement home to a U.S. Senator ... from a benevolent widow to a crass tycoon to a noted climate change scientist. This original, fast-paced, page-turning, political/medical thriller tells the stories against an all-too-recognizable backdrop of a guns-gone-wild America and the relentless push by the NRA, with their surrogate politicians, to make guns even easier to acquire.

The involvement of several likable protagonists also connects their stories. These include the watch inventor, the FBI agent charged with stopping the killings, a recently retired, middle-class couple, Vince and Trudi Fuller, their brave immigrant friends, and a very endearing corgi, Miles.

There is plenty of dark humor and political satire in FINAL NOTICE, as well as touching scenes and outright suspense. So, expect to laugh out loud, dry some tears, and bite your nails (not necessarily in that order). Despite the somewhat "sci-fi" premise of the watch, it is a very realistic reflection of American society and the many problems we face today.



⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "Van Fleisher could join the ranks of James Patterson and Tom Clancy with the quality of writing that I found in Final Notice. More importantly, he took a simple idea and elevated it into a thrilling, fast-paced read that never once slackened. Fleisher creates characters that are all at once relatable and scary as they are realistic people that we feel we know but who are driven to extreme extents. And while there is a political agenda... it's enjoyable no matter how you interpret it. This book does a spectacular job of pushing a message while still being enjoyable as simply fiction." Reviewed by Samantha Coville for Readers' Favorite.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "Must read ... After delivering two impactful novels in a series that mixes politics with forthcoming technological advancements ... Fleisher creates a story that will have readers thinking and highly entertained in equal measure. Near future social, political, and technological issues converge into a well-paced narrative that provides a glimpse into what might be and how some will stop at nothing to stymie progress ... "Characters and themes may bear a striking similarity to current times, which is likely no mistake on Fleisher's part." Kudos, Mr. Fleisher, on a great novel and entertaining series. I could not ask for anything better." - Matt Pechey, Reedsy Discovery

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "Final Notice is a fiction novel that is not that far from reality ... My attention never wavered while reading this novel. The characters are likable and multidimensional ... the plot was perfectly paced ... (and) I kept on turning the pages because I was impatient to see how each character who received a final notice would react. I have to congratulate the author on the ability to surprise me multiple times throughout the story. This novel proves that whenever really know people as well as we think we do." Reviewed by Sarah Khan for

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "... a powerful and engrossing set of tales incorporating social and political commentary and psychological insights on motivations and influences on actions. While the underlying premise may come from science fiction, the ultimate impact lies in their social perspectives, which leads readers to think about ... issues ranging from gun rights to senior citizens' quality of life." Reviewed by D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review.



The Final Trilogy Book 2

In Van Fleisher’s earlier novel, ‘FINAL NOTICE,’ Vijay Patel launched his technologically advanced VT2 fitness watch, a device that could analyze blood properties in real time and accurately predict the wearers’ death to a precise date.

While Patel’s concept was conceived to allow users time to get their affairs in order, talk with family and friends, perhaps address a long thought-about bucket-list item, some receivers of their Final Notice decided to use their remaining time to right a perceived wrong or settle a grudge, with complete impunity.

Given USA’s easy access to guns and the NRA’s ongoing promotion of fear, America’s love affair with guns has continued to grow and fuel even more senseless murders by Final Notice recipients. Patel, stunned by the havoc his invention had brought about, worked in cooperation with Zoe Brouet of the FBI, to stem the violence associated with the VT2.

FINAL ACT picks up the story during an election year, promising more violence, particularly political, that will affect members of congress, justices, presidential candidates and more – with influence from interested parties outside the USA.

Van Fleisher has spun another fast-paced page turner that is bound to keep him on the best seller charts. FINAL ACT is a sequel on steroids that asks the question, “What might others do if they knew that you’d received your Final Notice?”.

Laced with political satire, dark humor, assassins, suspense, and a dash of romance, FINAL ACT is a fast-paced page-turner that is, at the same time, a realistic reflection of modern society.


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The Final Trilogy Book 3

Completing the trilogy, FINAL CHANCE may be science fiction, but it reads like a history of the future ... finding Vijay Patel in a world struggling to survive.

By 2046, climate change has reached a tipping point. After decades of pandemics, increasing devastation by hurricanes and tornados, rising seas and burning forests, freezing winters, and unbearable summers, the “moment of truth” comes as an unprecedented heatwave kills over half a Saudi city. The air was just too hot to breathe.

With food supplies already diminishing around the globe, and disease running rampant, leaders of every nation recognize the need for drastic, do-or-die measures. The solution is a complete, universal ban on fossil fuels and the doming of all human civilization.

Not everyone is willing to go along – at first. But there is no alternative. By 2065, all major cities, farms, factories, and wildlife “revitalization zones” are protected, under glass, in a climate-controlled, solar-energized environment. The health of this domed environment is facilitated by Vijay Patel, his innovative business partner, and their respective children.

This is the story of the building of that brave new world ... and the two remarkable families who played a key role in making this mind-boggling project possible ... despite the odds. And despite a very odd group of villains. It was, indeed, everyone’s “Final Chance” to survive. So why was anyone trying to sabotage these efforts? With humor and satire, Fleisher reveals the truth.

The Final Trilogy

The Final Trilogy Book 4

“Van Fleisher could join the ranks of James Patterson and Tom Clancy.” Readers’ Favorite

“Fleisher’s writing wisdom really shines. A page turner, unlike anything I’ve read in recent memory.” Amazon Author

“Shines a light of sci-fi satire on the tumultuous state of today’s affairs.” Self-Publishing Review

“The perfect meld of science fiction and political thriller.” The Book Commentary

“A powerful and engrossing set of tales incorporating social and political commentary.” Midwest Book Review

As brilliant as he was, Vijay Patel – a young immigrant student from a Mumbai slum – could never have imagined the influence that he and his children would have on the future of the United States and the world.

Van Fleisher’s FINAL Trilogy recounts that influence in three unique sci-fi thrillers: FINAL NOTICE ... FINAL ACT ... and FINAL CHANCE. Set in the not-so-distant future, the novels are laced with political satire, dark humor, and a dash of romance. And despite their sci-fi premise, they provide an unmistakably realistic reflection of modern society.

While FINAL NOTICE evokes the question: “What would you do if you knew – for certain – that you had a couple of weeks to live?” ... FINAL ACT asks: “What might others do if they knew that you only had a couple of weeks to live?” And when those “others” include Bratva (the Russian Mafia) and the SVR (formerly the KGB), you have a page-turner that turns “what if” into “what is.”

Completing the trilogy, FINAL CHANCE may be science fiction, but it reads like a history of the future ... finding Vijay Patel in a world struggling to survive.

The Final Trilogy is out now in eBook and audible versions. So, hold on for a thrilling ride!


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